What Does Proxxy Offer?

We have a full range of Proxxy services that will support an executive at any level.

Behind the Scenes

We work behind the scenes to remove barriers, so you gain up to 25% more time and focus on what matters…

  • Full communication coverage
  • Implement time saving technology & best practice initiatives (i.e., Inbox Cleaning, Task Prioritization, Expenses, Thank You Program, Meeting Notes, Social Posts, Vision & Values,  etc.)
  • Access to Professional Service Providers (vetted SMB specialists)


Introduced to your team, your Proxxy brings best practices, tools for both you and your team…

  • Behind the Scenes +
  • Help improve your processes and/or lead and run initiatives 
  • Best Practice Initiatives (i.e., Objective Setting, Career Mapping, Staff Assessments, Stakeholder Surveys, Achievement Programs, Budget Management, Meeting Effectiveness, SIG Structures, etc.)

On Your Behalf

Your Proxxy represents you in meetings and calls (so you can be in two places at once) and handles multiple initiatives for you with your team…

  • Side-by-Side +
  • Lead and run initiatives 
  • Best Practice Initiatives (i.e., Career Mapping, Staff Assessments, Stakeholder Surveys, Achievement Programs, Budget Management, Meeting Effectiveness, SIG Structures, etc.)

Place and Replace

You’re ready for your Proxxy to be your full-time employee. They know your company, your people and you, they’ll be a perfect fit. Hire them from Proxxy and continue to receive the Efficiency communication coverage you’ve come to rely upon.

What is the return on investment?


ROI: -% per week

Enter your email to receive a personalized whitepaper detailing these results including final ROI.

Sample Initiatives

Here are some of the initiatives we can and have completed for clients.



Calendar management
Inbox management


To Do list
Day planning
Travel arrangements


CRM logging/updates
File management
Solution research
Solution sourcing
Reporting support
Social monitoring

Company Growth

Company vision
Goal setting
Priority setting
Initiative prioritization
Initiative management
Process improvement

Meeting Support

Process implementation
Agenda creation
Note taking
Initiative tracking


Staff management tips
Staff surveys
Staff communication
Training modules
Goal setting
Career mapping
Staff recognition

"The Executive Multiplier is an executive’s operational backbone. They perform administrative functions, develop processes, manage initiatives, connect departments, and help form the culture... They are the enabler."

– Urvi Bhandari, Chief of Staff AT&T Marketing