Proxxy - Remote Chief of Staff

The Leaders List – November 2023

Strategic Planning Sessions

Free for a limited time only



Proxxy is your Leader’s List. Our trained professionals save you time, provide strategic counsel, and manage programs to grow your company. Each month we share a proven strategy our Proxxy’s use to multiply a leader’s effectiveness called the “Leader’s List.” We sincerely hope it helps your business grow, inspires you to think differently, or ask for help.

What’s inside


A guide to strategic planning sessions


The history of the development of strategic planning sessions


Determining the need for a strategic planning session


Variables of strategic planning sessions


Steps for implementing strategic planning sessions


Case studies on the effective use of strategic planning sessions

Strategic Planning Sessions

As the third quarter comes to a close, there are many situations your company may be facing. Your business may be skyrocketing; the annual plan you created in January may look like an ant in your rocket’s rearview mirror. Or, maybe your company is struggling to keep up. Either way, your business is bound to continue to experience these changes, and it’s vital you are proactive in creating a plan that best responds to these challenges and clarifies expectations.


Introducing a strategic planning session is one way to get your team on the right path, but that’s easier said than done. As an executive you have to consider – How do we get the right people in the right place with the right information to make the right decisions? There are many variables to consider and we’ll cover them all right here in the Leader’s List. Ready? 

More than just goals and a vision, strategic planning provides the map for the road ahead. It guides executives through the twists and turns, the split roads, and the deep potholes. Companies that implement effective strategic planning are 12% more profitable.  



Coming Soon


Talent Assessment

Upcoming White Paper

Join us next month when we dive into a complete guide to talent assessment.



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