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Your Monthly Multiplier – February 2021

employee engagement

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Proxxy is your Executive Multiplier. Our trained professionals save you time, provide strategic counsel, and manage programs to grow your company. Each month we share a proven strategy our Proxxy’s use to multiply a leader’s effectiveness called the “Monthly Multiplier.” We sincerely hope it helps your business grow, inspires you to think differently, or ask for help.

What’s inside


Defining Employee Engagement


An overview of employee engagement


Background of the development of employee engagement programs


Variables that impact your choice of business operating system


The importance of an employee engagement strategy


Determining the need for an employee engagement initiative (program triggers)

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a key signifier of the health of your business. It’s a measure of how engaged or disengaged your team is with regard to the company’s mission. If your employees are highly engaged, you will see increased revenue and collaboration in the workplace. If your team is disengaged, it can be a struggle to get anything done.


There are a variety of ways to measure and evaluate employee engagement, and it is primarily the job of Human Resources departments to manage these initiatives. However, it’s the responsibility of all leaders and managers to keep an eye on employee engagement levels. Failure to do so could result in declining productivity and distrustful staff. 


Human capital is your most valuable resource, so it is absolutely critical to launch an employee engagement strategy that works for your SMB. From mentorship programs to employee surveys, your employee engagement program should include a suite of initiatives that cover regular assessment, re-engagement, and performance management.


Employee engagement is a key signifier of the health of your business. It’s a measure of how engaged or disengaged your team is with regard to the company’s mission. If your employees are highly engaged, you will see increased revenue and collaboration in the workplace. If your team is disengaged, it can be a struggle to get anything done. 


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