If you look at the economic cost of the coronavirus pandemic, small and medium-sized businesses are bearing the brunt of it. 

One survey showed that one in 3 small businesses wouldn’t be able to survive another 3 months under the current climate. In addition, there’s the issue of businesses like hospitality and tourism, which may be seeing decreased numbers well after the pandemic subsides. 

In these times, it’s important for enterprising individuals to not only see the different ways the business world is adapting, but the chance to find new, legitimate opportunities to forge ahead. 

Here are a few examples of these new opportunities in action, as well as what it takes to make them happen…


New Business Opportunities

Aside from businesses closing outright due to government order, one of the biggest shifts we’re seeing worldwide is companies going remote. For legacy organizations behind the curve this can present some challenges. As an example, getting business veterans up to speed with new technology could be a massive undertaking. However, this need creates an opportunity. 

A business consultant can be an invaluable resource when it comes to helping advise companies on making a remote shift. Able to do their work remotely as well, these consultants can be a sounding board when it comes to creating a new set of best practices. As an added bonus, even post-pandemic, you’ll enjoy a more flexible workforce. 

Another consulting opportunity is helping those who can’t go on with business as usual. A record amount of unemployment claims have already been filed, and we’re likely to see a lot more small businesses enter programs like the SBA’s in the wake of the recent stimulus package. This may be the first time that a lot of people are navigating these areas, and it can be confusing. If you have that background you can help busy executives find the best funding packages for their businesses.  

Other businesses, like digital marketers, may actually see an upswing in business, especially in the short-term. There will no doubt be an increase in digital traffic due to self-isolation and a desire to be informed. Those that are capable of introducing a company’s brand into those channels in a smart, authentic manner could experience a windfall of new clients.   

A final thought is to help other businesses succeed. Many organizations, including the ones described above, will have referral programs for those that bring them new clients. If you have connections in your network that might benefit from other company’s services it could be a fast way to collect cash. At minimum, you will be helping another business and letting the people in your network know that you’re thinking of them.


Proxxy And Supporting These New Opportunities

While enterprising business people are going to be looking for opportunities to support themselves, their families, and their employees during this turbulent time, it’s important to make sure that you have the means to support these new ventures. Taking advantage of these business opportunities may mean entering new niches or new modes of business that you and your team may not be familiar with. 

A service like Proxxy can be invaluable in the coronavirus era. Being a remote company, by nature, is a major part of our value proposition. Our Remote Chiefs of Staff are always available, able to help provide management services behind the scenes. 

While this is a useful service at any time, it’s even more important now when companies are transitioning their entire workforce to work from home as a matter of public health.

The benefits don’t stop there. For companies used to working in person and shifting to remote, Proxxy plays a valuable secondary role as consultant. From keeping teams motivated to finding ways to communicate, these experts are key for helping operations stay efficient while going remote, and learning new best practices.  

Ready to prepare your company for this new business landscape? We’re ready to help at Proxxy. 

Our services allow you to utilize a remote chief of staff to drive efficiency and results across the board for a small weekly fee with no long-term agreements. If you’re interested in seeing how our services directly benefit your business, fill out the following survey. This will help us figure out exactly what your business needs in terms of this support, so we can connect you with the ideal remote professional.

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