
Our client was struggling to retain new employees. New employees made it only a few months before their lack of performance led to them resigning or the company letting them go.


When a company is not frequently and specifically measuring employee engagement, it leads to executives making vague assessments of employee satisfaction, morale, reasons for turnover, and perceived lack of effort. Without clear metrics, leaders may develop the feeling something is wrong without a clear view of the actual problem. Staff grumblings, an off-hand comment in an email, or a poor Glassdoor review could leave a leader feeling they don’t have everyone on board and lead to rash or unfounded decisions and actions.  

In these situations, Proxxy deploys a short survey founded on proven and tested industry standards, asking employees a series of questions related to the essential components of engagement: basic needs, individual foundational needs, teamwork, and growth. The survey results provide metrics that identify strengths, improvement opportunities, and comparisons to industry benchmarks. Employees are segmented into three categories: highly engaged, neither engaged nor disengaged, or disengaged, and improvement-focused initiatives are developed and implemented. The survey is repeated at planned intervals to track progress.

We present results to leadership and then to employees. At this stage, it is important to celebrate what the company is doing well before moving on to problem areas. Based on the areas that performed the lowest on the survey, Proxxy makes recommendations for improvement.


For the client mentioned above, the survey revealed new employees felt they were not being properly trained or supported when starting in their roles. To resolve this problem, a new training program was developed and a mentor was assigned to each new employee. In addition, a weekly goal-setting and tracking meeting was instituted to keep the sales staff aligned and encouraged, and course correction was applied as needed. 

New employee success and tenure have improved dramatically. Monthly goals are being hit by 80% of new employees, and turnover has dropped to 15%. The percentage of Highly Engaged employees increased from 50% to 75%.

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