next generation leadership


  • Our client was struggling to get traction on building a succession plan and implementing it successfully.
  • The Founder/CEO (father) lacked confidence in his successor’s (son) ability to take over the day-to-day and hired Proxxy to help the successor.
  • The client hired Proxxy to help the successor (son) prepare to become CEO and stage the necessary initiatives for a successful succession.
  • Succession planning is inherently difficult. Family succession planning makes it more difficult. The typical succession takes 2-3 years to complete. 


  • Proxxy started with coaching conversations to determine the successor’s readiness to assume the responsibilities of CEO. These conversations focused on executive presence, sales leadership, management methodologies, employee performance and development, company performance reporting, and corporate communications.
  • Proxxy then took the successor and the Founder/CEO through the Company Growth Stage Assessment (CGSA) respectively to determine alignment on where the company was in its growth journey. Proxxy conducted a gap analysis on the respective CGSA results to determine the appropriate initiatives to get the Founder/CEO and his successor aligned on a shared vision for a successful succession.
  • Once the shared vision was established, Proxxy worked with the client (successor) to stage and implement the relevant initiatives to demonstrate his readiness to assume the CEO role.


  • Proxxy helped the client (successor) successfully stage and implement the necessary initiatives to demonstrate his readiness to assume the CEO role from the Founder/CEO. This process took just 16 months instead of two to three years.

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