
Our client, a fast-growing company in the advertising industry, faced challenges with setting and achieving their goals. Despite periods of substantial growth, they consistently missed targets and lacked alignment across leadership and staff. The company sought a structured approach to create clarity, ensure accountability, and unite everyone under a common vision to drive sustainable growth.


Proxxy helped the client implement several best practices that matched their cultural needs. We first used elements of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) by formalizing their accountability chart to clarify roles and responsibilities across the organization. Next, we worked with leadership to define the company’s core values, establish a clear vision, and craft a one-, three-, and ten-year strategic growth plan. This provided the foundation for setting specific one-year goals while understanding their long-term vision. This resulted in a clear set of quarterly rocks (priorities) assigned to their key leaders.

To maintain alignment and track progress, we introduced weekly Level 10 (L10) meetings where leadership reviewed key performance indicators (KPIs), assessed progress on quarterly rocks, and addressed roadblocks. In the initial quarter, we focused on improving communication and the process. We quickly identified the leadership team didn’t have a consistent, uniform way of breaking down their rocks so we introduced a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and the concept of sprints from the Agile methodologies. This was crucial for building trust and setting the stage for future success.

In a matter of months, the company had solidified its focus and refined how leadership worked together. Accountability had become core, with leaders holding each other and their teams responsible for their commitments. The organization’s leadership became more focused on the right priorities, which translated into better execution of their long-term strategy. We expanded the EOS structure by rolling out L10 meetings across divisions, further embedding the methodology within the company.


Within one year of implementing this customized Business Operating System (BOS), the client achieved their goals of 30% growth in both revenue and profit. The client is quick to say that was made possible because of the change in their “management metabolism.” Today, the entire leadership team can evaluate and manage new opportunities and initiatives at a pace they never thought possible, because they have a consistent process and shared vocabulary for setting, tracking, and accomplishing goals.

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